Saturday, July 16, 2011

Guru Poornima....

"Agnyaana Thimiran thasya nyaanajala shalaakaya
chakshu hu unmeelitham yena thasmai shri gurave namaha"
I offer my humble obeisance unto my dear spiritual master who with pure spiritual knowledge has illuminated my consciousness which was blinded by the darkness of nescience.
Am reminded of this most confidential verse of the Bhagavadh Geetha which i learnt in school as i try to write something on my guru.
A man's character is shaped by his family,parents,upbringing,surroundings and education.Though this applies to all people irrespective of nationality,the aryavarta is special for the role the teacher in the shaping up of man's life.There can be different types of gurus:
1)sikhsha guru-teacher who teaches skills
2)dhiksha guru-teacher who teaches art(by accepting money)
3)sat guru
The sat guru shows the disciple the way to follow in life,the way to attain paramatma,executing our day to day duties in life.Am sorry,but i cant tell more.My sat guru is beyond description,beyond the realms of speech,beyond description,beyond understanding.
As they say"Guru maatha guru pitha
Guru amuchi kula dheivatha"
If it hadn't been for my guru,I've would've been like just another boy in this complex world,caught up in the web of pleasures and desires,unaware of the aim of existence,the purpose of life,man's eventual destiny dont know if ou find this stupid,but its because you don't have the good fortune of having a sat guru.
The guru can be understood by a simple analogy:
Fishes,rafts both are present in the sea.The aim of the raft is to liberate the fish from the troubles of life.The fish is desperate to stay alive.In the world of man,the guru is the raft,keen to liberate the disciple from samsara and the cycle of births and deaths,while the disciple is desperate to remain stuck in the world of worldly pleasures.
It is notable that God himself takes the form of the guru while taking birth in human form.Am referring to Lord Krishna who was the guru of Arjuna during the Mahabharath.Krishna was not only Arjuna's guru but the guru for the entire world as he gave us the eternal book-The Baghavadh Geetha.
The aim of guru poornima is to pay our respects to our guru(s).
Really,how my college teachers pale in comparison to my sat guru.....
It is indeed unfortunate that those who teach for money are regarded as ultimate gurus and are even felicitated by students in some Hindu schools.such is the state in which our western educational system has placed us in.The world of chaos..The world of confusion.As the worlds of east and west continue to tangle and intertangle,such ironies will only proliferate.
Anyway am happy that am different,thanks to my guru.
a study of great men will tell you that all of them have been guided by their gurus.
Swami Vivekananda,Kabir Das,Adi Shankara,Paramahansa Yogananda,Dayanada Saraswathi...the list is endless.
That is the essence of our dharma.
Once Dayananda Saraswathi was asked :"How is it that Hinduism has survived the onslaught of Islamists and Christians while other religions had to perish due to the onslaught of these false religions?"
The question was asked by a group of people who were under the banner of Elders of Europe.Those people were from Judaism,Zoroastrianism and other old religions.All those religions were wiped out by the forcible conversion drives of Islamists and Christians.
Swami Dayanand Saraswathi replied"It is because:
1)Dharma is universal
2)We have a teaching tradition"
more on this in the next post...

P.S:Am sorry if this post is vague.but its my own blog,you see:).And,a  traditional Hindu will never reveal the name of the Sat Guru .That's why i didn't do it.....If all this is beyond your understanding, sorry but you're not lucky enough....

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